Special Workshops
The schedule for the special workshops is posted below. Workshop descriptions, individual paper abstracts and detailed schedules can be accessed by clicking on the relevant workshop title (where such details have been submitted).
An overview of all workshops organised by day/time is available here.
We strongly advise all participants wishing to attend any special workshop to check here for the exact schedule in the days immediately preceding the congress.
Special Workshops 1-40
SW 1: The Content, Theory and Critique of Current Human Rights Revisionism
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 10
SW 2: Dignifying and Undignified Narratives in and of (the) Law
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 2 & Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 7
SW 3: AI and Digital Ontology: Literary Visions, Technological Perspectives and Legal Challenges
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B02
SW 4: Re-Assessing Rights of Nature
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 12; Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 12
SW 5: Theory of Legal Evidence. Evidence and Recognition in Law and Legal Theory
Thursday 11 July, 10.55-17.45, 4.B51
SW 6: Clinical Legal Education as a Path for Human and Social Inclusion
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 314
SW 7: Begründen, erklären und verstehen im internationalen Methodenvergleich - Was tun RechtswissenschaftlerInnen und wie tun sie es?
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B47
SW 8: Political Pluralism in Greater China – 大中华的政治多元化
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B57
SW 9: The Inherence of Human Dignity
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.A05; Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.A05
SW 10: Populism, Democracy and Rule of Law
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B58
SW 11: Democracy and Globalization
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 4.B47
SW 12: The Anarchist Critique of the State, the Law and Authority
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.A05
SW 13: The Role of Human Dignity in Criminal Law and Ethics in the Age of Pluralism
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 314
SW 14: Human Dignity in Europe
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 4.A05
SW 15: Judicial Decision-Making: Integrating Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B48; Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B57
SW 16: Scott J. Shapiro's Planning Theory of Law
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 12
SW 17: Human Dignity: Alternative Histories
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 304
SW 19: Communicational Theory of Law: Legal Decisions - Formal and Material Aspects
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 8; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 8; Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 8; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 8
SW 20: The Jurisprudence of Sports
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, Museggstrasse 304
SW 21: From Creation to Application of Law: Reality or Fig-Leaf?
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B58
SW 22: Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Reasoning
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.A05; Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, HS 4
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B02; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B02
SW 24: Aristotle and the Philosophy of Law: Dignity, Democracy, Diversity
Thursday 11 July, 11.00-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B48
SW 25: Individual and Group Vulnerability
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 315
SW 26: In Search for a Social Minimum: Human Dignity, Poverty and Human Rights
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B55; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 3. B55
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, HS 2
SW 28: Promoting Diversity Through Regulation
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B55
SW 29: Free Speech, Democracy, Human Dignity and their Threats
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 111
SW 30: Philosophical Perspectives on International Law
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 4; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.A05
SW 31: The End of Legal Positivism?
Monday 8 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, HS 3; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 3
SW 32: Democracy, Free Speech and Minorities
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B47
SW 33: Philosophy of Law: Latin-American Perspectives
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 305
SW 35: La construcción del precedente en el Civil Law
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 12
SW 36: Empirical Studies of Gender, Activism, and Socio-Legal Transformation
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 314
SW 37: On the Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of North American Legal Realism
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B47
SW 38: ‘I Can Make a Change’: Designing New Ways for Change in a System
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 13
SW 39: Experimental Legal Philosophy
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 13
SW 40: The Varieties of Dignitary Harms
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B02
Special Workshops 41-80
SW 41: Judge Made Law and Judicial Interpretation as Systemic Element of Law in Civil Law Legal Systems: How Can Courts Strengthen or Weaken the Unity of a Legal System?
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B55
SW 42: Folk-Psychology, Law and Reductionism
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, Museggstrasse 316
SW 43: Menschenwürde ohne Metaphysik
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 10; Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 10; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 10
SW 44: (Re-)Birth of a State as a Matter of Law: Baltic Sea Region Perspectives
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 3
SW 45: Legal Interpretation and the Separation of Law and Morals
Monday 8 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, HS 4; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 4
SW 46: Pluralism and Integration: From Civil Society to an Impartial and Fair Global Order
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 4.A05
SW 47: Transformative Technologies: Towards a Theory of the Interdependency between Technological and Legal Evolution
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B47
SW 48: Immigration & Nationalism: Finding Common Ground Between Narrative Extremes
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 2
SW 49: From Values to Rights
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 315; Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.A05
SW 50: Legal Positivism and Legal Realism
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B54; Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B54; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B54
SW 51: Globalization as a Challenge to Legal Philosophy
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 316; Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 3
SW 52: Ethnic Diversity, Plural Democracy and Human Dignity in Europe
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 4
SW 53: Freedom to Discriminate? Tensions Between Freedom of Religion and Antidiscrimination
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 315
SW 54: Law, Normativity and the Mind
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 8; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 7
SW 56: Migration Philosophy
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B58
SW 57: Legal Theories and Relations / Théories du droit et relations
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, Museggstrasse 314
SW 58: Legal Competence: Concept, Norms, Formalization and Exercise
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B58; Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B58
SW 59: Legisprudence and Legal Theory: Democracy, Diversity and Dignity in Lawmaking
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 305; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 305
SW 60: Law, Happiness, the State and the Other
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 304
SW 61: (Un)Changing Ideas of Equality and Liberty and Their Contemporary Legal Meaning
Wednesday 10 July, 16.00-20.00, HS 2
SW 62: Friedrich Müller's Theory of Law
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 3
SW 64: Law as an Artifact
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B47; Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 8
SW 65: Human Rights Accountability of Non-State Actors
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.A05; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B55
SW 66: Lobbying and Domestic Lawmaking Processes: Do Lobbies Strengthen or Undermine Dignity, Democracy and Diversity?
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B57
SW 67: The Rule of Law, State of Emergency and Crisis
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 3
SW 69: Regulating Contingency: Risk, Law, and the Theory of Regulation
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B55
SW 70: Dworkin’s Equality in Legal Argumentation
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 4.B01
SW 71: Metaphysics, Morality, and Interpretation in Dworkin’s Justice for Hedgehogs
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.30, 3.B48
SW 72: Between Experience and Community. Pragmatic Inquiries in Legal Theory and Philosophy
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B52
SW 73: Dignity and the Natural Law Tradition
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, Museggstrasse 315
SW 74: Customs for a Peaceful Social Life
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 303
SW 76: Constitutional Amendments: Theoretical Issues
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 13
SW 77: Alternatives to Liberal Constitutionalism: Popular, Political, Deliberative
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B01; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B01
SW 78: Collective Decision Making in a Theory of Justice
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 202
SW 79: Constitutionalism and Disagreement
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B55
SW 80: Legal Education: Philosophy, Theory and Practice in a Globalised World
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 7; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B47
Special Workshops 81-115
SW 81: Balancing Judicial Discretion: Between the Legislative Policy, Open Axiology and Precedential Practice
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 11; Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B01
SW 82: Democratic Authority
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B54
SW 83: Fairness of Algorithms and Disruptive Legal Innovation in Complex Litigation
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, Museggstrasse 313
SW 84: Legal Education and Big Data: Methodological Assumptions for Human Right’s Protection
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B48
SW 85: Boundaries of Citizenship
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 304
SW 87: Feminist Critique of Rights – Feminist Perspectives in Legal Theory
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B57
SW 88: Dignity's Antagonists
Thursday 11 July, 11.00-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, 3.B47
SW 89: The Normative Content of the Principle of Democracy in Central Europe
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 11
SW 91: The Legitimacy of International Courts
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 313
SW 93: Economics, Law and Humanities: Homo-what?
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 14; Friday 12 July, 13.45-18.30, 3.B58
SW 94: Bioethics and Biolaw and the Question of Human Dignity
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B54
SW 96: Philosophy of Private Law
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 2; Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 2
SW 97: Preserving Democracy Through Undemocratic Means?
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B02
SW 98: Practical Reason and Jurisprudence
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B02
SW 99: Freedom of Thought in Networked Space
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 12
SW 100: Human Rights and Personal Identity
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 217
SW 101: Law’s Autonomy and Concepts of Human Dignity
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, HS 14
SW 102: Das Recht als Aushandlungsprozess
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Museggstrasse 217
SW 103: Mid-Level Principles in the Law
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 302
SW 104: New Frontiers and Contemporary Challenges of Biolaw: From the Exaltation of Human Dignity to the Protection of Diversity
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B01
SW 105: Restoring Dignity Beyond Criminal Justice: Truth Seeking and Reparation in Persistent Contexts of Impunity
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B48
SW 106: Contemporary Spatial Justice in Urban China: Theoretical Review, Case Studies and Legal Critique
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B46
SW 107: Human Dignity and Human Rights from Asian Perspectives
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B52
SW 108: Internet, Human Rights and Democracy
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B46
SW 109: Quietism, Agnosticism and Mysticism: Indian, Eastern and Western Perspectives
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B02
SW 111: Constitutional Bio-Law and Human Dignity on Diversity
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 304
SW 112: Legal Fictions Revisited
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 504
SW 113: The Strained Relationship between Legal Orders – Current Challenges for International Legal Pluralism
Thursday 11 July, 16.30-18.30, Museggstrasse 304
SW 114: In the Spheres of the Triad ‘Law, Process and Development’: A Methodological Proposal Based on a Neo-Paradigmatic View of Procedural Law
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 11
SW 115: Legal Ethics and the Concept of Law
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 203
Special Workshops 116-151
SW 116: Justice and Revenge
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 4
SW 117: Constitutional Reform as a Legal-Philosophical Problem
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B48
SW 118: Law and Realism
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.B52; Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, 3.A05
SW 120: Diversidad y valores democráticos (repensando la democracia)
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.A05
SW 121: Caritas und Menschenwürde in einer vielfältigen demokratischen Gesellschaft
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 11
SW 122: Resistance, Dissent and Innovation: Perspectives from Around the World
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00 & 14.00-18.30, HS 7
SW 123: The Advance of Conservative Tendencies in the Western World and the Risks for Democracy
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 7
SW 124: Tolerance and Dignity – A Tension and a Challenge
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 303
SW 125: A Portrait of the Hartist as a Young Man
Thursday 11 July, 08.30-13.00, HS 13
SW 126: Transitional Justice and its Challenges for the 21st Century
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 2
SW 127: Human Dignity and the New Frontiers of Constitutional Law: Rise or Fall of a Controversial Concept?
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 11
SW 130: Social Media Platforms and Neoliberalism as a Shaping Tool for the Rise of Extreme Right-Wing Parties
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 501
SW 131: Is Religious Liberty More than the Sum of its Parts?
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B52; Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B47
SW 132: Legal Norms and Intimate Relationships
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 304
SW 134: European Democracy in Crisis: The Uses and Abuses of Dignity
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Löwengraben 302
SW 135: Enhancing Human Dignity in a Value Plural and Democratic Society
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B47
SW 136: Dignity, Privacy and Human Identities
Friday 12 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B54
SW 137: Aportes para una teoría jurídica feminista contemporánea
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 12
SW 139: Legal, Moral and Epistemic Traits of Constitutional Balancing
Monday 8 July, 13.00-18.30, HS 11
SW 140: Dignity and Democracy in the Context of AI: What Ways to Program Autonomous Systems (such as Cars) are Permissible in a Liberal-Democratic Rechtsstaat?
Friday 12 July, 13.30-19.00, 4.B46
SW 141: Gender, Democracy and Human Rights
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B52; Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B52
SW 143: Common Law – Civil Law: The Great Divide?
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, 4.B46; Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 3
SW 144: Philosophical Perspectives on Women’s Human Rights
Tuesday 9 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 13
SW 145: Human Dignity and the Human Future: Legal and Ethical Implications of Emerging Biotechnology
Thursday 11 July, 14.00-18.30, Sentimatt 204
SW 146: History of Philosophy of Law
Friday 12 July, 14.00-18.30, 3.B47
SW 147: Challenges of Causation in Law and Moral Philosophy
Tuesday 9 July, 08.30-13.00, 4.B54
SW 148: Guilty Minds and Biased Minds: Recent Empirical Work on Biased Ascriptions of Inculpating Mental States
Thursday 11 July, 09.00-13.00, HS 14
SW 149: Religious Pluralism in the Roman Empire (1st-5th century A.D.)
Thursday 11 July, 12.45-18.30, 1.B05
SW 151: Art, Law and Artificial Intelligence
Monday 8 July, 14.00-18.30, HS 14